Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Hair
Restoration Treatment

Home > Treatments > Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Hair Loss Treatment

PRP Hair Restoration Treatment is a natural and effective procedure that helps to prevent hair loss and promote the regrowth of your organic hair. In this non-surgical treatment, blood is drawn from the patient, processed, and then meticulously injected into the targeted areas. The injection naturally increases the blood supply to hair follicles, stimulating inactive follicles into active growth and promoting healing and accelerating tissue regeneration. 


  • Blood is drawn from the arm, then put into a machine (centrifuge) that rapidly spins to separate fluids of different densities

  • Centrifuge continuously spins until the enriched stem cells or platelet-rich plasma are fully separated from blood cells

  • The platelet-rich plasma is then isolated, drawn into a syringe then injected into the treated area of the scalp


  • Non-invasive

  • No downtime or recovery process

  • Increase hair density and thickness

  • No visible scar on the treated area(s)

  • Stimulates inactive hair follicle

  • Prevents hair thinning and loss

PRP Hair Restoration is arguably the best non-surgical option for hair rejuvenation and loss prevention. It is ideal for clients going through the early stages of hair loss and looking for a more natural and non-invasion solution to improve the density and thickness of their hair. The number of treatments required is dependent on the clients’ condition and desired outcome but typically 5-8 treatments are recommended for optimal results.
