Pre/Post Treatment Care

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Pre-Treatment Instructions:

  • Discontinue Accutane 6 months prior to treatment.

  • Discontinue use of Retinoic Acid products 2 weeks prior to treatment.

  • Avoid sun exposure, or the use of tanning beds for four to eight weeks (dependant on the skin type of patient), and self-tanners for at least four weeks, prior and/or in between IPL treatments.

  • Report all skin diseases, viruses, infections, cold sores, eczema, or allergies to treating Practitioner.

  • Do not exfoliate, use glycolic acid, benzyl peroxide or any other skin irritants one week prior to IPL treatments.

  • Avoid microdermabrasion or peels for two weeks prior to treatment.

  • If the skin is red, irritated, or sunburned, the IPL treatment must be rescheduled.

  • Report all medication taken within two weeks of the treatment.

  • Avoid depilating for at least 6 weeks prior to your first treatment. Do not depilate with waxing, sugaring, plucking, threading, or hair removal creams before and/or in between IPL treatments.

  • Discontinue using bleaching creams for 2 weeks prior to treatment and perfumed products (eg. Aromatherapy oils/Essential oils) for 48 hours before treatment.

  • Do not use sun blocking creams within 12 hours of scheduled treatments. Consider wearing protective clothing, cotton gloves for driving, or a hat to protect facial areas.

  • Avoid swimming in strong chlorinated water immediately before an IPL session.

  • Avoid wearing deodorant on treatment day

  • Night before or morning of treatment, please fully shave area(s) to be treated

Post-Treatment Instructions:

  • Avoid direct sunlight, tanning beds, or self-tanners for at least 2-3 weeks after a treatment. Apply Sun Protective Cream of SPF 50+, 15 minutes prior to sun exposure, and 15 minutes afterwards. Keep reapplying as needed throughout the day. Consider using protective cotton gloves for driving, a hat to protect facial areas.

  • If there are scabs or blisters, make-up should not be used for 3-4 days.

  • Avoid touching, rubbing, peeling, or picking of the skin in treatment area, as this may cause hyper/hypo pigmentation, scarring or infection.

  • Gently apply pure Aloe Vera gel or antibiotic ointment to the treated area, twice daily until healed and dry.

  • A “cold pack” may be placed over the treated area to reduce swelling and/or discomfort for the first 2-3 days. Discomfort is usually minimal, but pain medication can also be taken for pain and swelling if required.

  • For 1 week post treatment, avoid: hot baths, showers, hot tubs, and saunas. When showering and washing, gently pat dry and do not rub.

  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 24-48 hours following treatment.

  • Avoid swimming in strong chlorinated water 24 hours after an IPL session.




Pre-Treatment Instructions:

  • Discontinue Accutane 6 months prior to treatment.

  • Discontinue use of Retinoic Acid products two weeks to treatment.

  • Avoid sun exposure or the use of tanning beds and self-tanners for at least four to eight weeks, prior and/or between IPL treatments (dependant on skin type).

  • Report all skin diseases, viruses, infections, cold sores, eczema, or allergies.

  • Do not exfoliate, use glycolic acid, benzyl peroxide or any other skin irritants for one week prior to treatment.

  • Discontinue using bleaching creams for 2 weeks prior to treatment and perfumed products 3. (eg. Aromatherapy oils/Essential oils) for 48 hours before treatment.

  • Avoid microdermabrasion or peels for two weeks prior to treatment.

  • If the skin is red, irritated, or sunburn the IPL treatment must be rescheduled.

  • Report all medication taken within 2 weeks of the treatment.

  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours prior to the clinical treatment.

  • Avoid swimming in strong chlorinated water immediately before an IPL treatment.

Post -Treatment Instructions:

  • Avoid direct sunlight, tanning beds, or self-tanners for at least 2-3 weeks after treatment.

  • Apply Sun Protective Cream of SPF 50+, 15 minutes prior to sun exposure and 15 minutes afterwards. Keep reapplying as needed throughout the day. Consider using protective cotton gloves for driving, or a hat to protect facial areas.

  • If there are scabs or blisters, make-up should not be used for 3-4 days.

  • For at least two weeks post Skin Rejuvenation/Vascular/Pigmentation treatment, do not use harsh topical exfoliations, glycolic acid, benzyl peroxide, acne creams etc.

  • Avoid touching, rubbing, peeling, or picking of the skin, as this may cause hyper/hypopigmentation, scaring or infection.

  • Gently apply pure Aloe Vera gel or antibiotic ointment, to the treated area twice daily until healed and dry.

  • For 1 week, avoid hot baths, showers, hot tubs, and saunas. When showering and washing, gently pat dry and do not rub.

  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 - 48 hours following clinical treatment.

  • Avoid strong chlorinated water for 24 hours post IPL treatment.




Pre-Treatment Instructions:

  • Discontinue Accutane 6 months prior to treatment.

  • Discontinue use of Retinoic Acid products two weeks prior to treatment.

  • Avoid sun exposure or the use of tanning beds and self-tanners for at least four to eight weeks (depending on the skin type), prior and/or between IPL treatments.

  • Report all skin diseases, viruses, infections, cold sores, eczema, or allergies.

  • Do not exfoliate, use glycolic acid, benzyl peroxide or any other skin irritants two weeks prior to treatment.

  • Avoid microdermabrasion or peels for two weeks prior to treatment.

  • If the skin is red, irritated, or sunburned, the IPL treatment must be rescheduled.

  • Report all medication taken within the week of the treatment.

Post-Treatment Instructions:

  • Avoid direct sunlight, tanning beds, or self-tanners for at least 2 weeks after a treatment. Apply Sun Protective Cream of SPF 50+, 15 minutes prior to sun exposure and 15 minutes afterwards. Keep reapplying as needed throughout the day. Consider using protective cotton gloves for driving, a hat to protect facial areas.

  • If there are scabs or blisters, make-up should not be used for 3-4 days.

  • For at least two weeks post acne treatment, do not use harsh topical (exfoliators, glycolic acid, benzyl peroxide, acne creams etc).

  • Avoid touching, rubbing, peeling, or picking of the skin as this may cause hyper/hypo – pigmentation or scarring.

  • Gently apply pure Aloe Vera gel or antibiotic ointment to the treated area twice daily until healed and dry.

  • For 1 week, avoid hot baths, showers, hot tubs, and saunas. When showering and washing, gently pat dry and do not rub.

  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours following clinical treatment.


Always additionally recommend:

  • To avoid Sun exposure for 4 – 8 weeks prior to IPL.

  • To always be wearing sun protection!

  • To avoid any heat 48 hours prior to, or 48 hours after IPL treatments (no cooking, dishes, vigorous cleaning,... etc).

  • Avoid strenuous exercise or any activity which will cause sweating or excessive heat to the skin.

  • Avoid sauna’s ... hot tubs before and after treatments.

  • Avoid alcohol 48 hours prior to, or 48 hours after IPL treatments.

  • Avoid make up, antiperspirants or any topical creams which may not allow for the skin to properly breath, 24 hours post treatments.

  • Always encourage Clients to keep us informed on any changes to their medical history forms, or any new medications they may be taking.



Pre-Treatment Instructions:

  • Discontinue Accutane 6 months prior to treatment.

  • Discontinue use of Retinoic Acid products 2 weeks to treatment.

  • Avoid sun exposure or the use of tanning beds and self-tanners for at least 4-8 weeks, prior and/or between Laser treatments (dependent on skin type).

  • Report all skin diseases, viruses, infections, cold sores, eczema, or allergies.

  • Report any changes/updates to your medical health history.

  • Do not exfoliate, use glycolic acid, benzyl peroxide or any other skin irritants one week, prior to treatment.

  • Avoid microdermabrasion or peels for two weeks prior to treatment (notify treating practitioner if these kinds of treatments have been performed within 3 weeks prior to treatment).

  • If the skin is red, irritated, or sunburned, the Laser treatment must be rescheduled.

  • Report all medication taken within 2-3 weeks of the treatment.

  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours prior to the clinical treatment.

  • Avoid alcohol 48 hours prior to treatment.

Post-Treatment Instructions:

  • Cool the area immediately following the treatment for 15-20 minutes with a sterile cold compress/ice pack.

  • Apply a generous amount of healing ointment/ soothing cream/ soothing gel over the treated area.

  • Dress treatment area with sterile gauze, held on by medical tape.

  • Cool area as needed in the following hours.

  • Keep area covered for 24-48 hours (avoiding any debris/perfumes etc).

  • Avoid: touching, rubbing, scratching, picking, or any friction in the treatment area as this may result in hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation, infection, or other undesired effects such as scarring.

  • Keep the area clean (antibiotic ointment/polysporin may be applied).

  • Avoid any exposure to sun or artificial tanning for a minimum of 2 weeks post treatment. SPF of at least 30 should be applied and reapplied every two hours as necessary.

  • Avoid any activity/environment which could cause excessive heat or perspiration (fitness, vigorous cleaning, etc) 24 prior to treatment and for 48 hours post treatment.

  • Avoid hot baths/hot showers/hot tubs or anything similar for one week post treatment. When showering use cool water, and gently pat dry – do not rub the treated area. Baths, hot tubs, swimming pool, or any form of soaking are not recommended until all blistering and scabbing are completely healed, as they may increase the risk of infection.

  • Avoid chlorinated water (swimming pools) 24 hours pre/post treatment.

  • Avoid alcohol 48 hours pre/post treatment.

  • Should the treatment area be tanned/irritated prior to the treatment- further treatment WILL BE RESCHEDULED.




Pre-Treatment Instructions:

  • Discontinue Accutane 6 months prior to treatment.

  • Discontinue use of Retinoic Acid products 2 weeks to treatment.

  • Avoid sun exposure or the use of tanning beds and self-tanners for at least 4-8 weeks, prior and/or between Laser treatments (dependent on skin type).

  • Report all skin diseases, viruses, infections, cold sores, eczema or allergies.

  • Report any changes/updates to your medical health history.

  • Do not exfoliate, use glycolic acid, benzyl peroxide or any other skin irritants one week, prior to treatment.

  • Avoid Microdermabrasion’s or peels for two weeks prior to treatment (notify treating practitioner if these kinds of treatments have been performed within 3 weeks prior to treatment).

  • If the skin is red, irritated, or sunburned, the Laser treatment must be rescheduled.

  • Report all medication taken within 2-3 weeks of the treatment.

  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours prior to the clinical treatment.

  • Avoid alcohol 48 hours prior to treatment.

Post -Treatment Instructions:

  • Avoid direct sunlight or tanning beds for at least 2 weeks after a treatment. Apply Sun Protective Cream of SPF 50+, 15 minutes prior to sun exposure and 15 minutes afterwards. Keep reapplying as needed throughout the day. Consider using protective cotton gloves for driving, a hat to protect facial areas.

  • Apply sterile cold packs/cold compresses to the treated area for at least 15 minutes after the treatment, and as necessary in the following hours.

  • It is recommended to apply antibiotic ointment to prevent infection (subject to the Physicians discretion).

  • Until the skin has healed, wash face with a soap free cleanser.

  • If there are scabs or blisters, make-up should not be used for 4-5 days.

  • For at least three weeks post Laser, do not use harsh topical exfoliations, glycolic acid, benzyl peroxide, acne creams, etc.

  • Avoid touching, rubbing, peeling, or picking of the skin, as this may cause hyper/hypopigmentation, infection or scaring.

  • Gently apply soothing creams/moisturizers on the following days.

  • For 1 week, avoid hot baths, showers, hot tubs, and saunas. When showering and washing, gently pat dry and do not rub.

  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 48 hours following clinical treatment.

  • Avoid alcohol 48 hours post treatment.




Pre-Treatment Instructions:

  • Avoid sun exposure or any tanning activity at least 4-8 weeks prior treatment. Any patient arriving with a tan or sunburn may be rescheduled due to the sensitivity of the procedure to altered skin color and for the sake of your own safety.

  • Avoid getting skin treatments at least two weeks prior to your session; these includes microdermabrasion and any type of professional or home exfoliation, retinoid’s, Botox, Fillers, etc.

  • If the skin is red, irritated, or sunburned, the treatment needs to be rescheduled.

  • Report all skin diseases, viruses, infections, cold sores, eczema, or allergies. And any medication taken within the week of treatment.

Post-Treatment Instructions:

  • During the first 48 hours, avoid heavy exercise, saunas, hot tubs, and sunbeds. Avoid strong sunlight and do not use sunscreen (after 48 hours, use sun screen every day.) 

  • Avoid touching your treated skin. Always wash hands or use gloves before touching treated skin.

  • During the first 24 hours post treatment, it is recommended to use only Dermaroller ® Hyaluronic Acid (ampules/dispenser.) 

  • For further hydration and to relieve any irritation post treatment, Dermaroller® Hyaluronic Acid Masks can be used once a day to calm, refresh, and hydrate the skin.

  • Avoid makeup for 24 hours. If you must use makeup within the first 24 hours, please only use a 100% pure mineral powder makeup.

  • After 48 hours, use gentle cleanser twice a day and sunscreen every day.

  • Wait 7 days to resuming the use of skin exfoliating products and retinoids.



Pre-Treatment Instructions:

  • Avoid getting skin treatments at least 2 weeks prior to your session; these includes microdermabrasion and any type of professional or home exfoliation, retinoids and/or cosmetic injectables.

  • Avoid over sun exposure or any tanning activity at least 4-8 weeks prior to treatment. Any patient arriving with a tan or sunburn may be rescheduled due to the sensitivity of the procedure to altered skin color and for the sake of your own safety.

  • Also, if you are taking antibiotics, make sure you have taken your last dose at least 7 days prior to your laser treatment.

  • If the skin is red, irritated, or sunburned, the treatment needs to be rescheduled.

  • Report all skin diseases, viruses, infections, cold sores, eczema, or allergies. And any medication taken within the week of treatment.

Post-Treatment Instructions:

  • After a treatment, the treated area of skin may feel a little warm, and there may be some slight redness. However, gently apply pure Aloe Vera gel or cream that can dissipate these side effects. 

  • Avoid products with active ingredients such as alpha hydroxy acids, retinol and glycolic for at least two weeks. 

  • Avoid any products that contain strong fragrances and chemicals and do not exfoliate for at least two weeks. Use natural/gentle and clinic approved products.

  • Heavy exercising and sweating can irritate the delicate skin and slow down your ability to heal quickly.



Pre-Treatment Instructions:

  • Avoid any excessive sun exposure at least one-week prior treatment. Any patient arriving with sunburn may be rescheduled due to the sensitivity of the procedure to altered skin color and for the sake of your own safety.

  • Avoid getting skin treatments at least two weeks prior to your session; these includes microdermabrasion and any type of professional or home exfoliation and/or Retinoid’s.

  • If the skin is red, irritated, or sunburned, the treatment needs to be rescheduled.

  • Report all skin diseases, viruses, infections, cold sores, eczema or allergies. And any medication taken within the week of treatment. Avoid taking Accutane 6 months prior treatment.

Post-Treatment Instructions:

  • OxyGeneo™ treatments have no downtime and generally no special aftercare is needed.  However, it is recommended to use high-quality skincare between sessions to promote effective healing.



Pre-Treatment Instructions:

  • Discontinue Accutane 6 months prior to treatment.

  • Discontinue use of Retinoic Acid products 2 weeks prior to treatment.

  • Avoid the use of exfoliants, glycolic acid, peels, benzoyl peroxide, microdermabrasion, or any other.

  • skin irritants, 2 weeks prior to treatment.

  • Avoid sun exposure or the use of tanning beds and self-tanners for 1 week prior to treatment

  • Report all NEW medications, skin diseases, viruses, infections, cold sores, eczema and/or allergies.

  • Report all medications taken within 1 week of the treatment.

  • If skin is red, irritated, or sunburned, the IR treatment must be re-scheduled.

  • Please avoid strenuous work outs, or any heat inducing activities prior to the treatment.

  • Advise Aesthetician if any new metal implants, or any aesthetic implants and/or fillers of any kind have been placed in treatment area.

  • Advise Aesthetician if there is a chance you may be pregnant.

Post-Treatment Instructions:

  • Avoid direct sun exposure 48 hours post treatment, apply sun protection SPF 50.

  • Gently apply Aloe Vera gel to sooth the treated area, keep it well hydrated and nourished.

  • Avoid any additional heat post treatment, for a period of 48 hours.

  • For 48 hours, avoid hot baths, showers, hot tubs, or sauna’s, etc.

  • Avoid touching, rubbing, peeling, or picking of the skin as this may cause hyperpigmentation or scarring.




Pre-Treatment Instructions:

  • Discontinue use of Retinoic Acid products, and avoid the use of exfoliants, glycolic acid, peels, benzoyl peroxide, microdermabrasion, or any other skin irritants, 1 week prior to treatment.

  • Avoid sun exposure or the use of tanning beds, 1 week prior to treatments.

  • Report all NEW medications, skin diseases, viruses, infections, cold sores, eczema and/or allergies.

  • Report all medications taken within 1 week of the treatment.

  • If skin is red, irritated, or sunburned, the RF treatment must be rescheduled.

  • Advise your Aesthetician if any new metal implants, or any other aesthetic implants and/or fillers of many kind, have been placed in the treatment area.

  • Advise Aesthetician if there is a chance you may be pregnant.

Post-Treatment Instructions:

  • Avoid direct sun exposure 48 hours post treatment, apply sun protection SPF 50.

  • Gently apply Aloe Vera gel to sooth the treated area, keep it well hydrated and nourished.

  • Avoid any additional heat post treatment, for a period of 48 hours.

  • For 48 hours, avoid hot baths, hot showers, hot tubs, or sauna’s, etc. 

  • You should also resume a non-strenuous regular exercise program, but please don’t overexert yourself for 48 hours post treatment. A 45-minute leisurely walk is highly recommended. 

  • Drink lots of water immediately post treatment (1 Litre), and regularly 8 – 12 glasses of water daily.

  • It is highly encouraged to explore a healthy diet program that suits your personal health and weight goal interests.


The treatment should not interfere at all with normal life activities



Pre-Treatment Instructions: 

  • Avoid smoking and nicotine products at least three days prior to treatment. 

  • Avoid alcohol 24 hours before treatment.

  • Day of treatment, wash your hair on treatment day, but do not use conditioner. 

  • Day of treatment, avoid all hair products including gel, hairspray, or any other styling products. 

  • Three hours before treatment, drink at least two cups of water. 

Post- Treatment Instructions:

  • Avoid touching the treated areas for at least 8 hours. 

  • Tylenol is permitted if you feel any pain or discomfort. 

  • Do not wash or wet hair or scalp for at least four hours after your procedure. 

  • Special shampoo kit will be provided to you. 

  • The first week after treatment, it is important to drink more water.

  • Avoid blood thinners including Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Vitamin E, Gingko Biloba, and fish oils for at least one week after treatment. 

  • For at least 48 hours after, avoid any vigorous activities that will cause sweat including saunas, steam rooms hot tubs and swimming. 

  • For faster healing, it is recommended that patients limit sun exposure, nicotine, and alcohol. 

  • Avoid using any harsh dyes and chemicals on your hair for at least 48 hours post treatment. 



Pre-Treatment Instructions: 

  • For at least 24 hours prior to treatment, do not consume alcoholic beverages. 

  • For at least 2 days prior to treatment, avoid all retinoid products. 

  • If possible, avoid taking any anti-inflammatory and/or blood thinning medications at least one week prior to treatment (eg. Advil. Motrin, Nuprin, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Fish Oil, Gingko Biloba, St. John’s Wort, and high doses of vitamin E).

  • Avoid waxing bleaching, tweezing, or the use of any hair removal creams in the area or areas that is to be treated.

Post-Treatment Instruction:

  • After treatment, you maya experience swelling, redness, pain inching, discoloration and or tenderness at the site of treatment (typically lasts a few hours). 

  • Tylenol is permitted if you feel any pain or discomfort. 

  • Although rare, red, or swollen small bumps may occur for two to three days. 

  • A small amount of makeup may be applied after six hours, but be gentle. 

  • For one hour, exercise the areas that were treated. (eg. practice frowning, raising your eyebrows.)

  • For three hours, remain upright, do not rub the treated areas 24 hours, refrain from strenuous physical activity, hot tub, sauna, facials, alcohol, and aspirin. 

  • For at least 10 days after treatment, avoid facials, laser treatments, and microdermabrasion.



Pre-Treatment Instructions:

  • For at least 24 hours prior to treatment, do not consume alcoholic beverages.

  • For at least 2 days prior to treatment, avoid all retinoid products. 

  • If possible, avoid taking any anti-inflammatory and/or blood thinning medications at least one week prior to treatment. (eg. Advil. Motrin, Nuprin, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Fish Oil, Gingko Biloba, St. John’s Wort, and high doses of vitamin E.)

  • Avoid waxing bleaching, tweezing, or the use of any hair removal creams in the area or areas that is to be treated.

Post- Treatment Instructions:

  • After treatment, you may experience swelling, redness, pain inching, discoloration and or tenderness at the site of treatment. 

  • Tylenol can be taken if you feel any pain or discomfort.

  • If lips were injected, the swelling may be more significant.

  • Must guard against infection by keeping the skin clean, especially in the first 48 hours.

  • A small amount of makeup may be applied after six hours, but be gentle. 

  • Avoid excessive rubbing or manipulation of the skin. 

  • Aspirin, alcohol, and heavy exercise is permitted after 24 hours. 

  • The gel is quite moveable the first few days, do no press on the treated area.

  • Try to sleep on your back.

  • For at least two weeks after treatment, avoid prolonged exposure to hot (eg. hot tubs or cold (eg. skiing) temperatures and prolong direct sun exposure. 

  • Please report any redness and/or visible swelling that persists for more than two week or any other symptoms that cause concern, to our spa.