Vampire Facial

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Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Facial, famously known as Vampire Facial is receiving raving reviews and is recognized as one of today’s most effective non-surgical skincare treatments. The treatment uses your blood and harnesses your body’s natural power to promote healing and skin rejuvenation. The procedure uses the same technology as micro-needling and consists of the skin repeatedly being punctured with very short, fine, and sterilized needles to create microscopic punctures to trigger the body’s spontaneous healing agents including collagen.

The procedure is performed with the patient's plasma (PRP) and the revolutionary eDermaStamp micro-needling pen. These microscopic punctures also allow the serum (Hyaluronic Acid/platelet-rich plasma) used during the procedure to penetrate deeper and more effectively into the skin.

Spot treatments may be needed before the procedure depending on clients’ specific areas of concern. With the spot treatment, PRP is injected directly into the skin at a specific depth to the target areas with deeper imperfections. This is an added treatment step that we provide at no extra cost for our clients.


  • Blood is drawn from the arm, then put into a machine (centrifuge) that rapidly spins to separate fluids of different densities

  • Centrifuge continuously spins until the enriched stem cells or platelet-rich plasma are fully separated from blood cells

  • The platelet-rich plasma is then isolated, drawn into a syringe then injected/micro-needled into the treated area


  • Increases collagen & elastin production

  • Reduces fine lines & deep wrinkles

  • Reduces pigmentation/dark spots

  • Reduces the appearance of scars

  • Repair sun damage

  • Tighter & firmer skin

  • Enhances skin tone & texture

As with any micro-needling treatment, numbing is also required for the PRP facial. The procedure is not painful, but clients may experience some mild discomfort.  Results will vary from one client to the next, but typically 3 treatments are required to achieve optimal results and each treatment is to be spaced 4-6 weeks apart. 
